Cultural Incompatibilities

Christianity has modified Western thought processes only too well.

We, in the West, would like to think that everyone in the world is just like us -- under the skin at least. We focus on what we think should be true about the world in stead of what is true.

We would like to have good relations with all other societies and peoples and cannot image that other people might not actually think like us -- might not actually want good relations with us.

In my opinion, we have become so politically correct -- so idealogically inbred, as it were -- that we refuse to see the fundamental differences that separate us from other cultures. These differences may well make it impossible for us to engage with these cultures in the way that we think that we want to.

There is none so blind as he who will not see. Our cultural blindness to 1) the immaturity of other cultures, and 2) their general lack of good will towards us may well make Western culture extinct. Children with guns can do a lot of damage. Even grownups in many cultures act as irrationally as Western teenagers. And they have guns. Some even have nuclear weapons.

In the West, the concept of vendetta has been substantially eliminated. This is not true in many parts of the world. A large percentage of the world's peoples feel an individual sense of insult to their own person because of actions taken by someone else's great grandfather against their own great grandfather. They feel honor bound to do something about this ancient attack, or insult, or injustice or slight. Here are just a few of these long standing feuds:

Its as if some peoples feel a need to be angry at someone over something. Would they be able to be happy if they had no vendettas? Luckily for America, the Vietnamese seem to not to possess this same innability to forget the past.

There are other fundamental aspects of culture that are interpreted quite differently in the Middle East -- the rule of law, for instance. Consider the Iranian Supreme Court's recent decision to set serial killers free -- because they had chosen to kill people whom they thought weren't sufficiently Islamic in their behavior:

This Fox news story
( or this if the above can't be found).

One of the important principles of Western thought is that people will in fact obey the law, and that they will in fact fulfill contracts that they engage in. Yes, we accept that some criminals exist but that most people will obey the law and the surely the government will enforce the laws. However, the Iranian supreme court's actions show that not even the clarity of law and the protection of innocent human life is a sufficent motivator for them to set aside their religion. And religion is subject to the interpretational whims of practically every practitioner.

Or consider the numerous honor killings of young girls throughout the Middle East when they fall in love with someone that their family objects to? Consider this article:

Kurdish Girl Stoned for falling in love with a Sunni Muslim Or if that link doesn't work, try this one: here

What if obedience to the law is not a given in a particular culture? Or if, as in the above to cases, people feel that there are plenty of good reasons simply not to obey it? How do we engage with them successfully? It is pretty clear that around the world, unless there is force to back up agreements, people will just do what is in their own short term best interest. Common sense is just not all that common, the Western sense of moral behavior in public life is just not the norm around the world. Just look at the graft and corruption endemic in most third world countries -- even the Christian ones. Its not a matter of religion so much as cultural maturity. The West has it, and most other cultures just don't. (See note 1 below)

If I weren't an atheist, I'd thank God for allowing me to born in a Western country -- particulary the United States. I say this because of how I see people acting in other countries. I'm not just talking about news articles, although there is plenty of evidence in the nightly news, but personal contacts that I've had with people from other countries. For example:

What do you do with such people?

Personally, I think that we should just leave them alone -- a long period of strategic non-contact seems appropriate. Lets develop cellulosic ethanol as a motor fuel then stop buying Middle Eastern oil for a few decades and then see how their civilization progresses. So long as we engage with them, we become focus of anti-pagan rhetoric from their radical right (with us being the pagans). The Middle Eastern countries would probably even appreciate it. They are tired of our meddling -- so lets give them what they want and just leave them alone -- completely.


Note 1: Honor Killing news

The Kurdish government has taken an interest in the case described in the news articles listed above. It turns out that this girl was killed because of the mistaken belief that she had converted from one religion to another -- which she hadn't. In any event, the Kurdish government spokesman indicated in a CNN news article that they were going to try to get more women in the police force to give women someone that they can feel comfortable talking to when the fear something like this might be in the works for them. Sounds like a good plan. It will take a long time, however to change the hearts and minds of a whole people.