Why is the media liberal

The media is in fact filled with liberal bias, even NPR -- my favorite morning radio program.

I believe that all the media outlets are liberal because they are essentially lazy. It is easy to understand the liberal way of thinking but requires more and deeper thought to understand the conservative point of view. That doesn't make it wrong -- just harder to understand and explain. The media have gotten lazy and don't try all that much.

Actually the media is in business -- and businesses aren't about the truth, they are about making money with the least expenditure of resources. Their customers, us, are also lazy and unwilling to think deeply about the world -- so the media makes its money the easy way -- by pandering to their customers.

Why is it easier to understand the liberal point of view? Mainly because the liberal's primary contention is that, "Someone is being hurt. We should stop hurting and start helping." Which of course is true -- unless our helping will make things worse in the long run.

The conservative point of view requires deeper thought: "Well, we could always choose to help people whenever the slightest thing goes wrong with them, but then they will become dependent on us and never develop the skills to get along in the world themselves." But of course the liberal retort is, "You don't know that for sure, and these people really are hurting right now!"

And so it goes. In every debate, the "oh, but you are speaking theoretically and someone is really being hurt now" argument is used to trump any thoughtful analysis by conservatives.

And remembering the past is hard and sometimes reality lets us know that great ideals led us down a merry path to destruction. That's why liberals don't spend a lot of time analyzing the results of their give-away programs.